Sumio Iijima will come

Iijima will come to our university to give a lecture with name “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of Carbon Nanotubes” in Nov 4th. I am curious about him, the father of nanobubes. Some years ago, I heard from one professor that Iigima had “eagle eyes”, so he could find nanotubes. Some of my classmates who do research on nanotubes said because of Iijima, ten thousands of researchers found their jobs. Many people think he will get Nobel prize soon. I will go to listen this lecture and blog the detail of it.

Preparing Presentation

I am preparing presentation for ICQO these days. As my computer system is Linux, I decide to use LaTeX other than PPT. With the support of packages, LaTeX can be a very powerful tool to prepare representation files. After searching, I found two packages which may be suitable: Prosper and pdfwin. I tried both of them. The snapshots are shown bellow

Snapshots of Prosper

Snapshots of pdfwin

In my opinion, Prosper is cleaner than pdfwin. Pdfwin is more powerful in user interface. Both of them can directly use the content of usual tex files. So for LaTeX users, using them to prepare slide is more easily than using PPT. As I care interface more, I decided to use pdfwin to prepare my representation. After attending ICQO, I will post my representation on the blog.

In writting this entry, I found an online book “Screen Presentation Tools“. It lists dosens of tools to prepare presentation. I think it may be useful for me.


最近我看到了丘成桐与北大数学学院pk时,各路华人数学家们纷纷出场,他们吵架也跟一般人没有什么区别。他们出了在专业上突出外,修养上并没有什么特 别好的地方。有时侯换个角度看,这些研究科学的家伙,做的东西有多少是有价值的呢?实际上可能有许多论文都是错的,有许多时髦的研究很快就一文不值。虽然 社会在科学上的投入从来不会赔本,因为这些理论哪怕只有百分之一有价值那就对社会有很大的推动。可是换句话说,很可能99%的科学研究成果都是毫无意义 的。有可能许多科学家研究了一辈子,最后被证明他的工作都是错的。或者说,科学家一辈子做的研究,大部分都是没有价值的东西。不论是从理论本身,还是从应 用层面看,都是如此。极端的看法就是,社会为了那1%的可能成功的理论,养活了这些科学家进行那100%的研究探索。
如果从这个角度看,科学家一生的大部分时间都是在吃白食,被白白的供养着。要是意识到这一点,科学家的优越感估计就剩不了多少了。 如今的科学家,高度职业化之后,早就失去了十九世纪末,二十世纪初那种贵族味道了。也许有许多科学家具有高度的道德水准和个人修养,但是那与科学无关。


我现在用的管理论文的软件是docarc,基于perl+mysql+web的软件。可以从 上下载安装。





admin:admin, user:user, guest:guest ,分别是不同级别的用户名和密码。

Creator of Universe Exits or Not

  从Dave Bacon那里看到Hsu等人写了一篇很有意思的论文。 这篇论文中讨论了如果我们这个宇宙是由某个创世主创造的,而这个创世主创造宇宙的时候就想留下记号让宇宙中将来产生的高级智能生命发现,又不干扰宇宙产生 后的变化,那什么记号最普遍最容易实现呢?他们给出的答案是宇宙微波背景幅射(CMB)。他们的计算发现CMB的温度方差的分布C_l可以用来储存信息。 他们估计在目前的实验条件下,最多能够解码的信息量是10^5比特。由于目前的实验精度已经可以完成这样的测量了,所以他们建立设立这么一个计划,看看是 不是真的存在创世主留下的信息,他们觉得,这个计划可比SETI有趣多了。
关于微波背景幅射,已经有人意识到其中似乎蕴涵了秘密,比如David Deutsch就发现微波背景幅射的图象与我们这个行星的地图很相象。 Tsu他们建议的方案也许真的能够找到点什么信息。


导师让我把最近在利用光纤实现分布式量子计算方面的工作写成论文投到这个会议上。工作已经完成了大部分,我正在计算耗散强度对量子门的保真度的影响。 由于 会议要求先递交论文摘要,所以我正在写摘要。论文的摘要确实难写,我只好找若干现成的摘要模仿着写出初稿,以后再慢慢改吧。这也将是我的第一篇论文,不知 道写出来之后会是什么样子。如果我能够在会上做口头报告,也将是我第一次公开报告。准备好这次报告可不是件轻松的事情。

Some news

This year three physcists in the field of quantum optics get Nobel prize for phyiscs. I am happy to know this news. One of them, Roy J. Glauber is 80 years old and viewed as the father of modern-day quantum optics. The Ig Nobel prize is out yesterday and I found a very interesting photo on its 2005 ceremony web page . Glauber swapt paper plane on the ceremony of Ig Nobel prize for 10 years. Now he got his real Nobel prize. Your can get more information on this page.

Nature Physics published its first issue this month. I scaned the journal and found many articles related with quantum information. Unfortunately nothing is related directly with my works. I will go on read this magzine.

I found an open access journal New Journal of Physics, which is owned by Institute of Physics and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. All of the articles is published online and can be downloaded freely. For authors who want to publish articles on this journal, they should pay£500. So this journal is author funded journal. The 2004 impact factor of this journal is 3.095, much higher than many old first class phycical journals. I like this journal for its free access and high quality.